EdOptions Academy

A Fully Accredited Online School

Achieve Your College Dreams with a Flexible and Accredited Online Education

About EdOptions Academy

Fully Accredited:

Accredited by Cognia and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, ensuring high educational standards.

College Recognition:

Diplomas recognized by colleges globally, supporting smooth transitions to higher education.

Flexible Learning:

Provides a flexible online learning environment, allowing students to study anytime, anywhere.

Our Services

Online Courses

Explore over 400 dynamic courses at EdOptions Academy, covering everything from essential core subjects to diverse electives, career and technical education (CTE), world languages, Advanced Placement (AP), and honors courses.

Diploma Program

Unlock your potential with our U.S. high school diploma program, designed with flexible courses that are tailored to ensure you meet all graduation requirements.

Credit Recovery

Boost your academic success with our course retake options! We offer students the opportunity to enhance their GPA by revisiting and mastering courses where they seek improvement.

Our 3Es Commitment

Excellence in Accreditation: Our courses not only meet but exceed the highest standards, proudly accredited by Cognia and WASC, ensuring our credits are recognized and valued globally.

Expansive Learning Options: With over 400 courses including core, CTE, AP, and elective subjects, we lead in virtual education by offering a rich and varied curriculum to meet diverse educational demands.

Expert Educators: With more than 290 skilled full-time and part-time teachers, we are committed to delivering top-tier education through expert guidance.

Enroll today and discover the perfect path to shape your academic journey!