High School

Our Extensive School Options

From budget-friendly selections to top academic schools, and everything in between, we are sure to find a school that suit every student’s needs. We currently have school partnerships across 25 states in the US, and are working hard everyday to bring the best options for our international students.

Featured ABC Schools

School Selections

    1. Lowest cost High School program on the F1 visa (designated placements)

    2. Offering the most authentic American HS experience due to low international student %

    1. Student selection for school/city

    2. Priority host family placements compared to Best Value students

    1. Strong academic schools in urban areas

    2. Single room priority*

    3. Additional services for international student support

    *Not guaranteed.

    1. Highly ranked (Niche A to A+)

    2. Situated in big cities/affluent neighborhoods

    3. Offering top student support: ESL, SAT Prep, College Counseling

Need help deciding which option is best for you?


  • 1) School introduction & application materials

    Provide detailed and accurate school information, photos and videos, as well as application materials and admission packages.

    2) School Interview

    Arrange a video interview with the school.

    3) Mock interview

    Prepare students for their official school interviews.

    4) Matriculation documents review

    Careful review of all necessary paperwork for students to matriculate smoothly, including review of vaccine records required by the school.

    5) International student accident and sickness insurance

    Cover unexpected diseases and accidents for international students.

    6) Pre-departure orientation

    Conduct for students and parents to help students prepare for overseas study.


  • 1) Emergency assistance and safe arrival confirmation

    2) New-student orientation

    3) Regular school communication

    4) Regular parent communication

    5) Academic reports translation

    6) School-parent communication coordination

    7) Summer reading and homework

    8) Student re-enrollment service

  • 1) US trip assistance

    2) Airport pick-up and drop-off

    3) New-student orientation

    4) Landing assistance

    5) Regular student communication

    6) Regular school communication

    7) Regular parent communication

    8) School-parent, parent-host communication coordination

    9) Academic reports translation

    10) Summer reading and homework

    11) SEVIS and visa support

    12) Student re-enrollment service


  • 1) Host family screening and recruitment

    2) Provide comprehensive information about host families.

    3) Provide abundant opportunities to help students integrate into their social community.

    4) Communicate with students regularly to understand their physical and mental health.

    5) Service team will keep in close contact with students and provide updates to parents in a timely manner.

    6) Coordinate and resolve any issues between the host family and the student.

    7) Maintain close communication with parents and resolve their concerns promptly.

ABC Service Guarantee

Our Featured Schools

Looking to study in the US?

See our list of partner schools

High Schools in US

Let us help you prepare for the admissions process. We also provide post-arrival services.

Ready to get started?

Interested in our High School Services?

Interested in College Counseling?

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